Family Sealing

Family Sealing
We are eternal 10/15/16

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My Husband Is The Greatest Missonary

As some of you may know I was not raised in the LDS church but I have chosen to become a part of a wonderful church with wonderful people and values. My journey has been a some what long one and has come with a lot of soul searching.

In my journey I have met many wonderful missonaries but, prehaps the greatest missonary I had is my husband Adam. Adam has been a church member his whole life. When I first wanted to know more about the church Adam was the one who encouraged me to seek the right answers. Adam answered all the question that I had and when he could not answer anymore he and his parents set me up with the sister missonaries.

Through out this whole process Adam was the one who in our private moments loved, supported, and prayed with me. He is still that wonderful "missonary" man that he was then. I think the greastest lesson that Adam tought me was that you dont have to be perfect to be a member of the church you just have to be trying.

Adam was the first person I came to with questions then his parents and then the sister missionaries. Because of all those wonderful people who guided, loved, and prayed with me I am where I am today. Now I get to spend all eternity with my Heavenly Father and loved ones and for that thank you will NEVER be enough!!


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