Family Sealing

Family Sealing
We are eternal 10/15/16

Saturday, March 21, 2015

To the woman who called my daughter RETARDED!

Fellow Mom,

First off please allow me to apologize. When you called my sweet girl retarded my only instinct was to protect her. As a result I lashed out at you and made a sceen. It was not my intention to cause a sceen in which people would stare. For that I hope you will forgive me.

I have thought many time why you would say that about my sweet girl. Maybe you saw her brace on her leg and just assumed she was like that. Maybe its because you did not know how to answer your sweet child's questions or maybe just MAYBE you where raised in a house in which you or others were called this name and you just do not know any better. Either way my heart was and is broken.

I would now like to take the time to tell you more about my sweet girl.
1. Her name is Lindsay (she is a daddy's girl)
2. She is 2 years old
3. That brace you saw on her left leg is to help her hold her foot up because she has cerebral palsy. Also that same brace you saw with all its beautiful colors. She picked it out.
4. Her favorite thing to do right now is to jump on the trampoline and climb the big toy with her brother.
5. Her two favorite movies are Frozen and Captain America
6. She loves her dolls
7. Her daddy and grandpa are her two favorite men and her whole face lights up when she sees them.
8. Her bubba is the only one that can make her belly laugh
9. Her bubba also holds her hand so that she can go anywhere or do anything he does
10. She loves Sunday and going to church
11. Her favorite songs are I am a child of God and Rock-A-Bye baby
12. She wants to be a helicopter pilot when she grows up
13. She loves to help with dishes and cooking
14. She believes that her brace gives her cheetah powers so she can running as fast as she wants.

I would like to tell you some things about myself now.
1. The day before you called my sweet girl that she put on a long sleeve shirt all by herself. Her daddy and I clapped, laughed, and cried tears of joy.
2. When we got home after you said what you said I had to lift my girl out of her car seat because she was so stiff she couldn't move.
3. The last few weeks have been hard. I spent most of my nights holding a girl who is in so much pain she can't sleep.
4. Every triumph and failure I take personally
5. My children are my world
6. I will fight with every last breath in my body to make sure my children don't feel an ounce of pain.
7. I would take away all of my daughter's hurt and deal with it myself if I could.

Lastly I would like you to know that as much heart break as your comment caused me I forgive you. I also would like you to know that I am praying for you. I pray that next time your child asks a question they will get a proper answer. I pray that you will listen and educate yourself the next time someone talks. I pray that one day you will no longer use that word. Finally I pray that you will never go through the hurt and heartache that we as a family are going through.

Also thank you. Because of you I now know. How to better prepare myself and my daughter for the sometimes cruel world that we live. I will arm her with the knowledge and power she will need to defend herself.

I hope that if I ever see you again I can do so with grace and dignity.

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