Family Sealing

Family Sealing
We are eternal 10/15/16

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Update on The Heslop's

This year has been filled with joy and wonder in the Heslop house. Adam and I now have two beautiful children and are getting ready to move into a bigger place soon. We have truly been blessed by our Heavenly Father and know that his love rains down upon us!!

Meet our beautiful daughter Lindsay Renna Heslop. She was born on August 5th 2012 at 10:40am. Her birthday is so special because it is on the same day as my grandpa Marvin's. I know that he held her in heaven until it was time for us to have her down here.

 This is our boy Joshua!! He is now 18 months old and he is a wonderful ball of energy. He is running (not walking) everywhere. He is talking up a storm and knows how to pray to his Heavenly Father it is the cutest thing in the world to see. He is still trying to get used to being a big brother but, he truly loves his sister and I am sure that he will learn to be gentle very soon. He is better each and every day

The next big thing that is going to be coming up is Adam and I are going to be sealed in the temple we do not know when at the moment but it is something that we are working towards. We both know and believe in the gospel and the blessings of the temple. We know that its going to take work and we are ready. I can wait to see more of the temple and be able to be sealed to my wonderful and loving family.

Until next time everyone I hope that life treats you well and that you are truly blessed by our Heavenly Father!!


1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad I have found your blog! That Joshua is just so happy, I love to be around him. Lindsay is smiling so much already too.
