Family Sealing

Family Sealing
We are eternal 10/15/16

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

When Life Knocks You Down

Over the passed few months life has knocked me down so many time that I cannot count. Last night I was laying in my silent bed I began to pray no plead really with Heavenly Father as to what to do. I was impressed to open my scriptures and read where it landed open. There I sat reading D&C 6 not knowing what it had to offer for me. Why was I there in that passage? It was wasn't until I got almost to the end of the chapter that I knew why I was there. D&C 6:36 says "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not". Talk about powerful!!!
I knew in that moment that I wasn't trusting my Heavenly Father. I was busy trying to fix everything myself.It is hard to surrender all things to Heavenly Father. I am like a little kid with a broken toy. I will give it up to be fixed but take it away when it takes to long to fix. I was told so many things with that one verse.
1. Look to Heavenly Father in everything even when I am not sure he is listening
2. Doubt not His time and His reason for things
3. Fear not for He is always with me. He has promised this time and time again
To say I was moved is beyond what I was. For the first time in a long time I felt noticed by my Heavenly Father and had an overwhelming since of love and understanding. I can not promise many things in life but, I can promise this if you seek out Heavenly Father in prayer and through scripture he WILL answer. 

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