Family Sealing

Family Sealing
We are eternal 10/15/16

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Having Faith

Faith is descriped as complete trust or confidence in someone or something.

Many people these days say that they have trouble having and/or keeping faith. for some that is understandable and for me at the same time I have struggled with the "complete" part. there are things that always seem to help me.

1. Pray daily: praying daily helps me not only stay in touch with my Heavenly Father but it helps me to be thankful for the many things that He has given to me

2. Read my scriptures: this helps me by renewing my faith in the things that Heavenly Father done for many others. Such as healing the blind and sick and being humble enough to give of Himself to others.

3. Being of service: when I give of myself I know that I am acting Christ like and making my Heavenly Father happy. Know that my Heavenly Father is proud of me and happy make my faith renewed because in that moment I can feel His spirit.

4. Asking for help: when you ask for help you are allowing Heavenly Father to show through to other people.

5. Go to church: this helps by being with other believers and renewing coventants made at baptisim. I feel the holy spirit the most when I am at a chaple and even more so when I am in the temple. These are honestly my favorite places in the world.

I am not saying that faith is easy but, I am saying that it can be done. My hope for all reading this is that they know that complete trust in Heavenly Father is possible. I also want everyone to know that Heavenly Father loves you and will never leave you when you need Him the most!!


1 comment:

  1. Best blog yet! Brie, with all the camotion of 4 kids, husband, House &school. I have zero time for myself & know i dont put enough effort into setting time aside to pray let alone sit down breath & read scriptures. With all This amazing stuff God has done for our family lately (all our amazing blessings) it seems to be raining blessings for our family lately. Only stuff that would be possible because of God & Jesus. :) its amazing! But no matter how great things are going everyday i know im nothing with out my savior or heavenly father!!! So heres what god used you to tell me. TIME TO SLOW DOWN SHEILA. REMEMBER I AM HERE. BE WITH ME. HEAVENLY FATHER NEEDS TO COME FIRST. <3 brie thank you for being the vessel he used to talk to me. At his service must feel great!!
