Family Sealing

Family Sealing
We are eternal 10/15/16

Friday, July 29, 2011


Welcome All!!!

Ok first off I would like toi say that I have tried the blogging thing before without much secess and I think I know why. I was not blogging about things that I loved I was trying to hard.

This blog is going to be everything that I love. I have named it Mormon mommy for a reason. Many of my friends know that I have converted to the LDS church but I find that a lot of them a mis-informed on the religion. I am going to be blogging about my daily growing in the church and giving information. Not to convert people but to let them know more about my life which Heavenly Father is the head of.

I am also going to be blogging normal "Brie stuff" such as recipes, feelings, views, family, friends, and other helpful "mommy tips" I may have.

I truly hope that you all enjoy my blog. I welcome your questions, comments, and positive feedback.
